At the age of nine, I remember seeing my first “Angel” (light being ) as I attended a funeral of a teenager who had died in a car accident. I didn’t tell the family that I could see their son/ brother so clearly as if he was standing next to them . I took the approach that if someone doesn’t talk about what they saw, then I won’t either. This way of experiencing my world seemed safer to me and it’s how I managed all the “other worldly” experiences I had on a regular basis as a child, teenager and adult.
When I was 33-years-old (January 2014) everything began to change for me. My ability to hear, see, feel, had been amplified times a hundred and it became disorienting to navigate my life. This huge awakening shook up everything I knew up to this point. As I shared small segments of what I was experiencing with my husband at the time and he thought I was going crazy.
I was busy raising three children and felt that I was breaking on so many levels; the relationship with my husband, knowing the church I was participating in was breaking my soul, not understanding the other 5d beings that were showing up, and feeling that I couldn’t connect with my friends/family in my life due to the new, intense world I was experiencing.
Luckily, I met an amazing mentor who guided me through my spiritual awakening. He began to teach me more about the infinite nature of Self, how our soul has been living longer than we realize and all the deepest knowledge to the questions I have can be found as I meditate with the Divine.
Over the past 8 years I have attended many types of trainings to understand my awakening, my gifts, and how to best channel this ability to heal my own traumas in this lifetime and before. I knew it was important to to heal the patterns passed on to me ancestrally.
One night I experienced a very vivid dream, and the name "Saphraie" was given to me. The definition they explained was to be a wisdom keeper, honoring the old ways of living in connection to the earth. I needed to keep my hearth fire alive celebrating the great seasonal transitions, and inviting others to join me.
I created Awakening Integration to be a safe space where all are welcomed to express everything that may seem “odd”. The awakening process can feel confusing, alarming, unsettling, and there may be moments of betrayal as you see the beliefs in the system that was keeping you trapped. It's not a linear process to integration but a beautiful labyrinth walking with intention in each step.
If you have a highly spirted and sensitive child(ren) and would like guidance on how to raise these intuitive beings, I am here for you. I can relate to these children because I was one, and now as an adult have a bit more understanding of what it meant to be a child with ADHD, who could empathize with the pain of humans, animals, insects, and the living natural world. I hid away this part of myself because I felt that no one around me could understand. It's only been in the past few years that I have been more open about what I see and experience every day.
We are not meant to heal in isolation. We are meant to heal and be held around the fire with others to celebrate our journey. I am here to honor, to guide, and to celebrate you on this mysterious journey of life.
Many blessings as you continue to awaken to your infinite potential and may you continue to integrate the arrival of each soul aspect as it returns! Aho! Haylli'! ♡♥︎
I have a bachelor’s in Psychology with an emphasis in Education and have attended multiple trainings/workshops to understand how healing works in the body, mind and soul. Some of these include: Emotional Healing Process, Internal Family Systems, Quantum Touch Healing, Reiki, Soul Psychology, Sacred Activism Apprenticeship, Yogananda’s Self Realization Fellowship, Kundalini Yoga, White Tantric, the Kamana Naturalist program, Ancient Plant Knowledge mentorship, Montessori and Waldorf teacher trainings, Birth and Postpartum Doula training, Inner Child Peace Birth Preparation, Shamanic Breathwork, Shamanic training through 4 winds and a sanctioned Shamanic Arts Practitioner through the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition.
However, I believe my greatest teachers are (Mother Earth), (Father sky),(Grandmother moon), (Grandfather sun), (Unseen Keepers of the land and Ancestors). I love to sit on the land, in a place of receptivity, listening to the whisperings dancing in the air, feeling the warmth generated from the sun in my cells, drinking the sacred waters from the waterfall, observing the small creatures, tasting the sweetness of plant roots, and honoring the seasons as they unfold. It is in this wild place of creation where I learn the most about being a Keeper of the Hearth.
I believe my most potent teachers are my beautiful, wild, creative, compassionate, full-of-wonder children. I believe children are so generous in their understanding of love and believe in radical justice for all including the strongest of humans and the tiniest of creatures that we inhabit this earth with. My greatest joy comes from spending time with them as we play in the desert, swim in the rivers, dance while we make dinner, tell stories around the fire, and spend time with family and friends.
I also feel deeply connected to my guides and soul team who continue to guide my hands and allow me to receive information in how to best hold a transformative healing space of love for every individual. ♡