Virtual Sessions

Awakening Integration Virtual Session

1.5 hr


In this virtual session, we begin by lighting a candle and then exploring what is currently present for you. We delve into your bodily sensations and identify any stories or beliefs that are ready to be released.

The session includes guidance on somatic breath and movement, as well as emotional coaching with somatic practices to continue after our time together. We conclude with a shamanic guided journey or meditation, going into the quantum field and allowing any blocks to melt away. During this meditation the the use of a drum, singing bowl, songs and chimes may be used.

  • Coaching and guidance into where the belief/story/addiction is living in the body.

  • Guided progressive relaxation somatic experiencing.

  • Receive At-A-Distance Quantum Cosmic Light healing. (similar to Reiki)

  • Heal physical, emotional and mental blocks/trauma that have been stored in the body.

  • Experience a cord cutting, akashic records reading, or soul parts retrieval.

  • EFT tapping, breath work and specific somatic exercises.

  • Tap into your unique guides, ancestors, and spirit allies. (if desired)

  • Oracle card Readings.

  • End session with a guided journey specific to your current healing desires.

We will begin by lighting a candle. We will close once you feel greater


Awaken your inner wisdom wherever you live in the world with guided somatic healing and transformative meditations.

Book your virtual somatic session here ‡️

Ceremonial & Shamanic mentoring.

Virtual Hands on practices

1.5 hr


After a group event or ceremony, I often receive inquiries about the earth-honoring practices experienced, such as how to open the ceremonial container, create an altar space, or call in the sacred directions.

Questions such as,

"How do I keep sacred smoke burning on the small circled charcoal?"

"What are the seven directions?"

"Why is sage, palo santo, rosemary or other plants burned for energetic cleansing?

"Why use a drum, rattle or bell?"

"How do I use Oracle Cards? "

"What language are those songs in?" or even "What did you just spit out of your mouth?"

This one-on-one mentoring session is designed to address these questions though hands on experience. We can begin wherever your interest lies. 🀍

  • Learn rituals one on one, with the materials you have gathered.

  • Begin to feel confident in your own gifts and magick as a ceremonialist.

  • Understand how to tap into the quantum field.

  • Practice meditation practices before entering into ritual or ceremonial space.

  • Learn techniques to keep clean energetic hygiene for you and client.

  • Cultivate relationship with the unseen realms, learning sacred reciprocity and offerings.

Let's practice shamanic skills together